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Healthy Homes: Essential Oils for Cleaning

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Pro Tips to Clean with Essential Oils

Easy & Healthy Gluten Free Desserts

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10 Original Gluten Free Recipes
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The Gluten Freedom 8-Week Course

This 8-Week / 8-Module Course is designed to give you the knowledge, guidance, and support you need to successfully transition into and thrive on a gluten free lifestyle.

Dr.V’s Mind | Body |Energy Healing Program

Don’t stay stuck in a never-ending cycle of illness.

Get your health and your life back by addressing the #1 most overlooked root cause of chronic illness and mental health disorders. 

Finally, a solution that works for you.

Brain Body Healing and Restoration Program

Join thousands of others heading together in our acclaimed, data-driven, 12-month Brain Body Healing and Restoration Program, designed to help you identify and remove the most common physical barriers to healing that include toxic mold, environmental chemical toxins, heavy metals, radioactive materials, toxic foods, lifestyle barriers, and more.

With this affordable and comprehensive program you get our proven approaches and protocols laid out, step-by-step, month-by-month to not only understand how to identify your root causes and how to successfully eliminate them, but also to learn how to better care for your body and mind and what it needs to experience long-term, sustainable health and vitality.

For less than a cup of coffee per day, you can join our “lite” version or upgrade to join our practitioner-led group calls each month to educate yourself, guide you, and empower you on your healing journey. As a member of our programs, you also get exclusive discounts on lab testing and one-on-one practitioner visits too!

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