Finally, address the root cause of chronic disease.
Dr. Elena Villanueva, an Austin, Texas native, founded Modern Holistic Health in 2017. Together with her team of nationwide practitioners, they have shared their data-driven and proven approaches with over 1 million people around the world, teaching them how to finally escape the endless cycle of chronic disease. Come experience our renowned holistic approach, blending data-driven testing and mind-body-spirit integration.
It’s not your fault, it’s not in your head, and you are not broken.
Instead of just treating symptoms with a “pill for an ill” approach, we use a systematic, evidence-based method to identify and address the root causes of your health imbalances.
Whereas you may spend years chasing temporary fixes and managing symptoms, at Modern Holistic Health we use advanced tools and testing to find and remove obstacles to your healing, and we guide you with your data to correct the imbalances causing your illness or disease.

This is what’s possible with a
data-driven approach
This is what’s possible with a data-driven approach
Get the answers you deserve with convenient, at-home virtual coaching.
Choose from a 30-minute, or 60-minute session, or bundle your sessions into convenient packages added discounts and ongoing support.
Nutrition & Lifestyle
Have you been bouncing between different diets and eating habits? Everybody is different, and no one diet works for everyone. Our Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach will work with you to figure out the optimal diet plan that will work best for you.
Biological Coaching
Are you not feeling well? Do you want help with your condition or symptoms that won’t go away? Our holistic health coaches will teach you how your body works and help you figure out the root of your condition or symptoms.
Emotional Processing, Stress & Anxiety, Trauma, Grief and Loss Support, and Life Transformation
Our research shows that focusing on creating new neurological pathways through mind and body repatterning significantly speeds up recovery and healing. Work with our expert team to process and integrate these changes for optimal health.