Alternative Medicines for MTHFR and Methylation Genetic Mutations

Restore Your Body with Holistic Medicine

MTHFR and Methylation Genetic Mutations can cause a number of conditions and complications for your body. Modern Holistic Health puts your body back in motion with natural health solutions


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MTHFR and Methylation Genetic Mutations

What is MTHFR?

MTHFR is the abbreviation for the gene that provides the body with instructions for making the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase for which the MTHFR gene gets its name. This enzyme is responsible for converting the amino acid homocysteine into another amino acid that is used by the body to make proteins as well as other important compounds. There are various forms of mutation of this gene, but as much as half the population may actually have some form of MTHFR gene mutation.

Those with a mutation may experience heart disease, inflammation, difficult pregnancies, birth defects, and have trouble detoxifying (as mentioned above). Oftentimes, these mutations cause difficulty with processing folic acid into methyl-folate, which is critical to methylation. Methylation optimizes some important processes in your body including metabolism of hormones and production of DNA.

Depending on the mutation variations, you could have trouble converting nutrients into vitamins, minerals, and proteins, and maintaining appropriate hormone and neurotransmitter levels. It can even affect cholesterol levels, brain function, and digestion.

MTHFR Symptoms

The effects of MTHFR mutations can be wide-ranging. Health problems associated with methylation gene mutations include:
  • Migraines
  • Depression and anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Schizophrenia
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Hormonal Issues
  • Chronic pain and fatigue
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Autism
  • Thyroid issues

Dr. Villanueva, along with the Modern Holistic Health team, offers natural health solutions and develops personal plans for those seeking natural healing. Our methods examine a number of things in your lifestyle to help get to the root cause of your symptoms.

We work with you to change your lifestyle through natural supplements, detoxification, meditation, and overall body health restoration.

Dr. Villanueva’s Holistic Methods for
Methylation Genetic Mutations

Our holistic approach to MTHFR mutation symptoms looks at the body and person as a whole. We take a more natural approach to healing. Your mind, body, and spirit all work together and need to be healthy for you to flourish in overall health. Holism also considers the environment in which you are living. Stress can take a real toll on a person. Our overview also considers other environmental concerns that might affect a person’s health.
With certain lifestyle changes and attention to diet and well-being, many individuals can manage their symptoms. If you suffer from or suspect you suffer from MTHFR gene mutation, contact us before making any drastic changes in your diet and activity levels.

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