Your Epigenetics: Unique and Reversible Gene Control

How your environment, lifestyle choices, and nutrition can affect your well being

For years, there has not been a polarizing subject among biomedical scientists such as that of the role of nature and nurture in shaping our lives.

On a basic level, proponents of the nature theory posit that our genetic makeup is hardwired into our DNA and that an individual’s physical, emotional, and behavioral traits are already predetermined and downloaded into you during conception. Thus, your family history will largely determine your genetic expression.

On the other hand, those on the side of nurture insist that our gene expression is also affected by our environment. As such, even though one might be born with ‘bad’ genes, they still have the ability to switch those genes off or on. New research reveals that cancer is only 10 percent hereditary and 90 percent influenced by the environment and its triggers. Thus, you have control over how your life turns out regardless of your genetic makeup. This is what the science of epigenetics is all about.


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What is Epigenetics?

It is the study of biological processes responsible to switching genes on or off. While genetics refers to the passing of genes from parents to offsprings, epigenetics refers to how those genes are used.

It presents us with the idea that even though it is possible to inherit ‘bad genes,’ the environment – toxins, foods, stresses, etc. – plays a huge role in silencing or activating those genes.

Dr. V and her team have seen many cases improved through epigenetics testing and protocols set forth to restore balance and health.

An excellent example of epigenetics at work is in the case of identical twins. This type of twins contains the exact sequence of genetic DNA code. However, over time, one twin could find themselves at a higher risk of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, or mental health disorders. This can be caused by a difference in lifestyles. The environmental factors which surround them result in different epigenetic expressions, despite identical genetics.

What’s the Epigenetic Process?

The human body consists of billions of cells, which are at the base of any function. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) refers to all the instructions required to direct cell activity. Nevertheless, every person has a unique DNA sequence, meaning that those sets of instructions are ‘coded’ in a different way for each individual. At the base of these sequences are our genes and are responsible for telling our bodies when and how to produce proteins that initiate biological reactions.

Proteins are the body’s building blocks, and we have up to 150,000 different kinds of them making up our cells. These protein molecules usually change their shape when triggered by environmental factors such as foods, toxins, emotions, etc. The implication is that, by altering our environment, we can essentially change our genetic outcome.

Proteins are the body’s building blocks, and we have up to 150,000 different kinds of them making up our cells. These protein molecules usually change their shape when triggered by environmental factors such as foods, toxins, emotions, etc. The implication is that, by altering our environment, we can essentially change our genetic outcome.

Dr V Helps Change Your Gene Expression with Epigenetics

A gene cannot activate or deactivate itself as it is not self-emergent. A factor in the environment must trigger gene activity. Dr. V and her team help examine certain triggers:

Environmental Factors

Even though not all environmental factors are within your control, most of them are. Our immediate physical environments such as our homes and workplaces impact our genetic expressions significantly, from the water we drink and the air we breathe to what we apply on our skins.

Today, toxins are everywhere. From processed foods to chemical-full beauty products, there are multiple avenues of coming into contact with these toxins. This results in negative implications on the kinds of signals that are sent to our cells.

As such, even though it might not be feasible to lower the overall pollution levels in your city, you can still choose to consume healthy foods. Dr V and her team can help implement nutritional plans that can promote a healthier lifestyle.

Stress Management

A study done on prostate cancer clients involved comparing two groups. The first group was treated using conventional medication, while the second did not receive any medication but rather, was treated using lifestyle modifications. This involved a host stress reduction methods. After just 90 days, it was discovered that the second group had altered up to 500 genes that caused prostate cancer development.

Stress can undermine your efforts of staying healthy. This is because stress releases chemicals in the brain that can wreak havoc on the body and mind.

Epigenetic expression is a rapidly growing area of scientific study that holds a lot of promise to clients and their families when used as part of a holistic plan. This is because it not only gives you control over your long-term health but also allows you to pass those good genes to your future generations.

Modern Holistic Health Offers Genetic Makeup Evaluation

Consult Dr. V and her team for an evaluation of your genetic makeup. We can help you understand your genetic expression and make better long-term lifestyle choices that will optimize your wellness potential.

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