Baby Food

Children’s health is needing some serious attention. We have elementary grade children today being struck down by type-2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. This travesty can be traced back all the way to the diets they were nurtured with when they were babies.

A new report published by Healthy Babies Bright Future is out to bring awareness to this situation. The report suggests that too many toxins still find their way into foods that are meant to be eaten by our babies. The study was conducted to find traces of four key heavy metals in baby foods. They were lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium.

All of the above 4 toxic metals are associated with IQ loss in children from exposure in early life. They can harm a baby’s developing brain, and can also result in severe loss of intellectual capacity and cause behavioral problems.

Now, the case of toxins in commercially available baby food was unraveled years ago. However, if the reports are to be accurate, then even after years of being privy to the truth, the problem still begrudgingly persists.

Many commercially available baby food products that are packed in visually appealing canister’s, pouches, and jars, are also a source of heavy toxic metals that contaminate the very food they market as healthy for your young one. Although the amount of toxins may appear to be very small, they will eventually build over the years to cause health problems we mentioned before.

The Shocking Study 

The study published by Healthy Babies Bright Future claims that a whopping 95% of baby foods are contaminated with heavy toxins. That’s a huge figure. What is even more shocking is the fact that only 5% of baby foods in the market were found to be free from any heavy metals.
Parents are now faced with a dilemma. In a supermarket filled with heavily marketed so-called healthy and nutritious food, which of these products are to be trusted? Who is telling the truth? And who is deceiving for the sake of profits?

Further breaking down the numbers in the concerned research, 8% of tested foods contained one metal, 21% contained two metals, 40% contained three metals, and to make matters worse, 24% contained all four metals tested for in a single container.

The biggest culprits here turned out to be Infant rice cereals. Four out of seven rice cereals contained inorganic arsenic higher than the current FDA standards. As rice is known to soak in arsenic way more easily, it is highly recommended that parents stay away from rice cereal products.

baby foods

Key Things to Take away from the study

1. Toxic Metals were found in nearly every baby food product tested.
2.  A child could be exposed to some or all 4 of the toxins tested on a daily basis.
3..  FDA has failed to establish a substantial safety standard.
4.  Most popular baby food products exceeded the minimum recommended levels of toxic metals by the FDA.
5.  Perchlorate (a neurotoxic contaminant) was also discovered upon additional baby food tests.

How to Choose the Safest Food for Your Baby

Well, when the report suggests that over 95% of baby foods are proven to be contaminated, it really cuts down on the options parents have of buying safe baby food products for their child.
There are certain changes you, as a parent, will have to make to ensure your baby grows healthy without the influence of any external toxins. The first logical step would be to avoid rice-based Cereals completely. Opt for oatmeal, multigrain cereals, and rice-free snacks instead. The absolute best option would be to feed your baby your own homemade soft foods.

The following are a few changes you can adopt right away to protect your child from dangerous toxins: 

1. Feed your baby a variety of organic vegetables
Skip teething biscuits and go with chilled cucumbers or bananas to soothe teething gums.
3. Avoid fruit juices; give your baby clean, purified water instead.
4. Swap out rice snacks for non-rice snacks.

Baby foods

We at modern holistic health always preach about going organic for a healthier, happier life. The best way to protect your baby from toxins is by going fully organic with their diet. Avoid purchasing packaged baby foods; take some time to prepare some homemade food instead.
Steaming organic fruits and vegetables, or feeding the baby its puree will provide your child with the nutrition it needs while also keeping away harmful toxins from their system.

By nourishing your little one with homemade, organic nutrient-dense food, you are gifting your child with a future that possesses a brighter mind, a positive mood, strong physical strength, and a healthier immune system.

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