Almost Every neurological disease and condition has increased over the past 50 years, including suicide, which is at its highest level in recorded history. The incidents of mental health problems are skyrocketing around the world, with deaths coming from prescription drugs, alcohol, and other such environmental toxins.
Neurological disorder or conditions that are caused by exposure to toxins include:
1. Dementia
2. Headaches
3. IQ Loss (especially in children)
4. Bipolar disorder
5. Depression
6. Cognitive Decline
7. Mood Disorder
And chronic diseases like:
1. ALS
2. Autism
Mental health is affecting us all. Either we have struggled ourselves, or we know a loved one who has. Our current health model is the only model of medicine that is not evidence-based or data-driven. Instead, it is solely based on symptoms. The good news is that evidence based, data driven approaches are becoming more accessible. We at Modern Holistic Health believe that now is as good a time as any to adopt a new model based on evidence.
Underlying causes of brain chemistry imbalances and neurological disorders include
1. Infections
2. Leaky Gut
3. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
4. Unhealthy Diet
5. Improper Sleep
6. Stress
7. Emotional and Physical trauma
8. Lack of Physical Activity
In Addition to these underlying causes, another common cause is environmental toxins. This article discusses the worst kind of toxins and the source at which you are probably getting exposed to them.
Restaurants, especially fast-food restaurants, typically use GMO and non organic sources of foods that are laden with chemicals. There is ample evidence to suggest a connection between fast food and brain chemistry imbalances. Some examples of foods that can cause stress to the neurological system include:
1. Highly processed food
2. Packaged and Canned Food
3. Non organic Food
4. Foods high in Glycemic Index (Bread, Chips, Pretzels, Ice Cream Cone)
5. Low Fiber Food
6. Food contained in plastic containers.
Even food you might presume to be healthy can be toxic. Fish, for example, is known to be rich in nutrients, but some fish like Tuna, although delicious, are known to contain heavy metal. Farmed fish is another source of toxic chemicals, as these fish are fed genetically modified food which contains toxins. It is a good idea to educate ourselves about where our food is coming from and to practice caution before consumption.
Alcohol is a known toxin that can cause brain chemistry imbalance. Alcohol and addictive drugs like cocaine usually target your brain’s reward system. Alcohol floods your brain with a chemical called dopamine. This triggers an intense feeling of pleasure, which pushes people to chase that high.
We should all be thankful for anesthesia, as it helps us to withstand the physical stressors of surgery. However, Anesthesia is also known to damage and deteriorate the brain tissue, causing mental health problems.
Thankfully, there are treatments like detoxification and nutritional therapy that can be taken after surgery, which can help with healing effects on the brain.
An amalgam is a liquid mercury, and metal alloy mixture that is used in dentistry to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. Studies have shown that Amalgam fillings can deposit mercury into the brain. As we know mercury to be a well-known neuro toxin, it can then lead to various neurological disorders and diseases.
Arsenic is a very harmful chemical that usually occurs in minerals in combination with metals and sulfur. Many Arsenic chemicals can be found in water. If you are near a well or are a frequent user of the municipal water system, you might consider having your water tested for harmful chemicals, metals, and arsenic. Arsenic can also be found in chicken and rice. Arsenic can cause many diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, and Gout.
This colorless, odorless crystalline chemical compound can be found anywhere and is commontly found in water, meat, and fish. DDT is an ingredient used in pesticides and has been connected to dementia, diabetes, ADHD, and other diseases.
Lead can be found in paint, but also in our water. It is extremely important to check your municipal water system for levels of toxins that can ultimately cause irreversible damage to the brain and body. Make sure you only consume purified water to stay on the safer side.
A lot of Mercury has already ended up in the air of the United States. Human activities like the burning of coal, oil, and wood have led to the release of mercury in the air. The airborne mercury can ultimately be inhaled by the residents of the affected area, or it can fall to the ground in the form of raindrops or dust.
Mercury isn’t the only toxin that can be found in our air. In Fact, according to the EPA statistics, a household can be filled with even more toxins than the environment. All of this exposure really demands the body go through constant detoxification therapy.
Now that we have looked at some obvious and not so obvious sources of Toxins, Here is a list of Sources of Toxins that you may not even be aware of:
1. Laundry Detergent
2. Perfumes and Deodorants.
3. Household Cleaners.
4. Upholstery, and Carpets
5. Hand Sanitizers like Purell
6. Commercial and Household Hand Soaps.
7. Personal Body Products like Nail Polish, Hair Dye
8. Makeup Products like Foundation and Lip products.
9. Chemicals stored in garage and basements.
How You Can Avoid Toxins Exposures
As the EPA statistics show, most of the harmful toxins can be found in our household. There are many stored chemicals that can be found in our garage and basements. The toxins emitted from these chemicals and car fumes can pollute the air inside the house.
It is important to take a look at what you are storing in your basement and empty your house of harmful chemicals and toxins. It is a good idea to keep air purifiers in the house.
Avoid consuming processed and canned products and when possible substitute them with more organic foods. Your cosmetic products and furniture upholstery are also sources for toxins, containing toxic chemicals like phthalates. Phthalates can also be found in building material, pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, shampoos, cleaning material, and even children toys. It is important to become aware of the common products you use and pay attention to the chemicals found in your daily products so that you can make a smart choice regarding the products you use and the food you consume.
Choose your food organically; choose them from the outer edge of the store. Use essential oils for cleaning. Be aware of the fragrance you use, as they are a hub for harmful toxins to fester and thrive, substitute chemical perfumes with essential oils instead.
Final Thoughts
Toxins are connected to every known disease known to humanity in some form or other. Awareness can go a long way in motivating people to make a lifestyle choice that positively affects them, as well as the people around them.
(For established clients)
This appointment type should only be made for an established client. (After you have had your initial/first visit completed).
Not sure WHO to book with? No Problem! Here at MHH we have an AMAZING team of coaches and EVERY ONE OF OUR COACHES can help you with ANY of your conditions, so just pick the one that has availability on the day and time that works best for you.
This package contains 12 Biological Coaching Visits at 30 minutes each. Purchasing this package can save you 10% vs. if you purchased 12 sessions individually.
Using the combined modalities of EFT tapping, Resonance Repatterning, Color, Light, and Sound, this visit type addresses:
• Anxiety • Depression • Fear • Mind racing • Feelings of anger • Feelings of hopelessness • and more…
This unique approach can address and resolve emotional trauma, present or past, that has been locked into the physical body’s memory, often below the realm of conscious thought. Our bodies replay these memories at different times, and they can adversely affect our health especially in times of great stress and uncertainty.
These packages contain 12 Brain & Emotional Repatterning visits of 60 minutes or 90 minutes each. Purchasing either of these packages will save you 15% as compared to purchasing individual sessions
Not feeling well and looking for help with your condition, diagnosis, or symptoms that won’t go away no matter what you have tried? Our holistic biological health coaches can help you! Our coaches teach you how your body works, what the underlying cause of your condition or symptoms are, and how to fix and address them using long-term solutions that are data-driven and that work!
Our holistic biological health coaches have a deep understanding of advanced functional testing and genetics testing, along with much experience in complex cases.
Our biological coaching team works with you to empower and teach you how to understand and interpret your lab results, what your results mean, how they are connected to your health conditions or symptoms, and most importantly, what to do with the information, how to put protocols together based on your lab results, and when to reorder your various labs to track progress.
You will become your own healing master learning how to navigate the healing process, how to modify your protocols, when and how to detoxify your organs and cells from the toxins discovered on your lab results. You will learn the importance of tracking your assessment forms and symptom sheets and how to troubleshoot your healing process.
In addition, you have the opportunity to learn how to understand YOUR genetic blueprint – Our coaches are trained in the field of epigenetics and understand implicitly that YOU are in control of your own gene expression and how your genes either work for or against you. If you choose to add genetic testing into your program, your genetic blueprint information can be used not only to help drive your plan of action for healing, but also it can be used to understand your body’s unique nutrition, lifestyle, sleeping, eating, and physical activity needs are so that you can optimize once you are healed.
Get help from our functional nutrition coaches who understand that there is no ONE diet that is right for everyone. Our nutrition coaches work hand in hand with our biological coaches so if you need any lab work done or specific protocols that would require supplement protocols, you have a team working on your behalf and your nutrition coach would make recommendations for which other team coaches would be able to help you.
Your coaches will teach and empower you to learn how to determine and navigate your diet modifications which are decided based on your extensive intake forms, history, and your lab data that your coaches may want to order for you. Based on all of this information, they will teach you what foods to eat and not eat according to various conditions and why.
Your functional nutrition coach will help you learn what substitutes you can use when there are certain foods you may need to stop eating for a period of time, how to put your meals together based on your dietary needs per your lab data, how and when to incorporate gut repair protocols, and what lifestyle modifications you want to address based on your labs and your health conditions.
Nutritional coaching can be a great tool by itself or combined with coaching from our biological coaches. You can schedule with either our biological or nutrition coaches and they can help you get started and make recommendations as needed.
Many people who have successfully mentored with our nutrition coaches have had past issues such as:
Mindset, past and present traumas, and limiting belief systems are some of the biggest barriers to healing, so much in fact that gene expression and biological ‘engines’ of the human body can change for the worse because of it.
In the many years, we have been working in the field of holistic medicine, helping people who have tried everything else with no success or little success, we have discovered how great of an impact our thoughts, beliefs, and past and present trauma, and chronic stress can be to the human body, mind, and spirit.
The rate of recovery and healing for those who place emphasis on creating new neurological pathways to imprint new and healthy mindsets and belief systems in how they perceive themselves and the world around them is greatly improved when the psychological aspect of mindset and integration of mind, body, the spirit is addressed through repatterning of the mind and body neurology.
By removing barriers discovered from traumas, mindset, and conscious/unconscious patterns that are not congruent for healing, health, and vitality, you set yourself up for the best outcomes in your healing journey. Healing only occurs when the physical, emotional, and mental barriers to healing are removed.
Therefore we incorporate mind, body, spirit integration work into our programs and in doing so, we see exponential increases in positive outcomes with our clients. We have put together the most comprehensive ‘whole person’ approach in the world, and this is why our results are so successful.
Our Emotional Processing, Stress Release, & Neurological Repatterning coaches work with you to create new neurological connections, anchor new neurology, and habits, and show you how to become aware of any conscious or unconscious belief systems that may be holding you back from healing and total health.
You are welcome to try one or two appointments to see what you think. We typically recommend a minimum of 6 sessions to make an accurate assessment of how this type of modality is working for you.
Here are some of the modalities our Emotional Processing, Stress Release, & Neurological Repatterning coaches use for brain and body repatterning:
Breathwork is more than just a simple exercise of intentional breathing. Specialized breathwork techniques are used to facilitate major transformation and healing by encompassing a wide range of therapeutic practices that are extremely powerful in providing immediate relief for pulling people out of fight or flight (the amygdala hijack we teach about in Part 2 of our Mastering Trauma Masterclass).
This vagus nerve activation through breath work activates the rest/digest (parasympathetic nervous system), stimulates healing, reduces blood pressure, reduces the cortisol stress response, regulates hormone and blood glucose activity, and heart rate variability (the biological stress response). It rewires the body for self-regulation of the nervous system in a manner that optimizes the body and creates resilience in times of stress.
Yoga breath therapy allows you to disconnect from the mind chatter, mind racing, and negative self-talk and reconnect with your body your energy. From this elevated state of awareness, you are able to facilitate healing, growth, and expansion. And if you are looking for some expansion of your body/mind/spirit awareness, then this type of breathwork can be nourishing and can facilitate the next layer of peace, love, gratitude, connection, clarity, and insights.
In the many years, we have been working in the field of holistic medicine, helping people who have tried everything else with no success or little success, we have discovered how great of a damaging impact our thoughts, beliefs, and past and present trauma, and chronic stress (the fight or flight response) can be to the human body, mind, and spirit.
By becoming aware of how to regulate our own nervous system, and resolve traumas, mindset, and conscious/unconscious patterns that are not congruent for healing, health, and vitality, you set yourself up for the best outcomes in your healing journey. Healing only occurs when the physical, emotional, and mental barriers to healing are removed.
The rate of recovery and healing for those who place emphasis on:
….. Find much success and amplification in their healing journey.
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