How your words, thoughts, and emotions can rewire your brain to be anxious and depressed
You might be familiar with some common root causes of anxiety and depression, like toxic mold, environmental chemical toxins, and even heavy metals and EMF toxicity. But did you know that your thoughts and emotions also play a significant role in causing chronic anxiety and depression?
Constant or chronic negative language, thoughts, and emotions cause a downward spiral that often keeps people stuck in a state of depression and anxiety.
Most don’t realize that the more you focus on what you don’t want (instead of what you do want), the more you perpetuate your negative focus into reality. This causes a rewiring in your brain that literally destroys it. In addition, the resulting release of stress hormones from your negative thoughts and emotions eats away at your brain like battery acid. Further, these stress hormones cause blood sugar imbalances that can lead to diabetes, blood pressure dysregulation leading to high blood pressure, hormone imbalances leading to weight issues, sleep issues, premature aging, infertility, chronic pain, autoimmune disease, and a plethora of other symptoms, conditions, and diseases.
In addition, negative thoughts, words, and emotions reinforce the creation of these new neurological pathways, eventually leading to what I call the Amygdala Hijack, or a state of perpetual anxiety and depression that one can no longer escape.
The good news is that just like you rewired your brain and body to work against you, you can reprogram your wiring (again) to restore balance and harmony to your brain, mind, body, and emotions.
Rewiring your brain back to normal function requires repetition, awareness, and an understanding of what tools and modalities you can use that are the most effective to help you jump off that negative neurological loop that you created in the first place.