Healing and Diagnosing Adrenal Fatigue

Healing and Diagnosing Adrenal Fatigue

Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? People with adrenal fatigue experience a level of tiredness that’s not relieved by a night of rest. What contributes to this fatigue? Chronic stress from work, a particularly long-term stressful time period, or a life-altering event can all be causes. However, those aren’t the only origins of adrenal fatigue, it can be triggered by one’s lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies, genetic mutations, hormone imbalances, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, and other biochemical imbalances and conditions. Other anxiety-producing side effects of every day life can also lead to adrenal fatigue.

An individual may try to compensate for their lack of energy with caffeine, sugar, and other stimulants that work temporarily. However, eventually, the individual will need more and more of these products and will reach a point where the stimulants may no longer work at all.

So, what can you do if you are suffering from adrenal fatigue or think you might be? A holistic professional can test your hormones and cortisol levels as well as test for the underlying primary factors (or root causes) that are generating the adrenal imbalance. Appropriate nutritional and lifestyle protocols are then implemented based on the patient’s history and individual lab results. This regimen is customized to support and restore the body back to health.  For instance, an individual might be prescribed a diet that will help support the body in recuperating from physical, mental, and emotional stress.

A patient might also be advised to take a variety of adrenal supporting herbs and supplements along with a specific exercise regimen.  We also work closely with our patients to find the source of the stress or anxiety (if unknown) as well as working with them on ways to reduce it.

Though adrenal fatigue is common, it’s often misdiagnosed. Luckily, many of the treatments for adrenal fatigue are overall healthy lifestyle changes and rehabilitating the body’s other endocrine systems that ultimately help to restore adrenal function and support overall wellness.

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