Holistic Medicine

The Modern Holistic Health Approach

Holistic Medicine incorporates all the science and evidence based approaches of functional medicine, naturopathic medicine, and integrative medicine with a focus on uncovering and addressing the root cause of disease. Holistic medicine approaches include modern, traditional, scientific and empirical methods for detecting underlying causes of chronic illness and disease and focuses on supporting the body’s ability to reverse and recover through the most natural and effective methods.

The Modern Holistic Health Approach is leading this new paradigm of healing and health where Science and Spirituality are now merging; Creating an unstoppable ripple that is advancing medicine into its next era of Health, Vitality, & Optimization.


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holistic treatment

With this understanding that our existence is not just a physical one of ‘Body’ but also of Mind and Spirit,  Dr. Villanueva has been able to discover the common denominators that are the underlying causes of why people have spiraled into this worldwide mental health and chronic disease pandemic. 

Understanding what these common denominators of disease and chronic illness are, and what the body needs to truly heal and sustain wellness and vitality has provided a clear and consistent road map back to back to health for people all over the world. 

Over many years and thousands of case studies Dr. V determined the most common underlying causes of all disease and dysfunction to be:

Environmental Shism
or lack of harmony with bacterial, viral, parasitic, and toxic mold life forms (otherwise known as ‘terrain theory’ — as opposed to ‘germ theory’/infections)
Environmental toxins
(chemical toxins like pesticides and other common chemical toxins, plastics, heavy metals, etc)
(Genetically modified, treated with pesticides, toxic artificial ingredients, artificial sweeteners, foods contaminated with hormones, dyes, and preservatives and contaminated water)
(Wifi, cellular, etc
(altered function of one’s ‘genetic engines’ caused by underlying trauma, environmental toxins, diet & lifestyle choices, etc.)
Heightened Emotional Experiences (trauma)
Chronic Stress and Conscious/Unconscious constructs or belief systems.

The Modern Holistic Health, data-driven approach which addresses ALL the underlying causes of disease and chronic illness, has allowed thousands of people around the world with chronic disease, autoimmune disorders, hormone and metabolic based disorders, mental health disorders, and neurodegenerative disease to learn the new paradigms, tools, and modalities that have completely reversed their chronic conditions and restored their body, mind, and spirit back to that of health, vitality, and optimization.


Heal Naturally.

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